Engaging your supply chain to drive decarbonisation together

Working collaboratively to establish sustainable supply chains is vital to the transition to a net zero economy.  Learn how the All-Ireland Climate Action Pilot Programme led by Business in the Community Ireland together with Bank of Ireland, SSE and Musgrave helped upskill a sample of their SME’s in carbon literacy, carbon calculation and also explored […]

Understanding evolving sustainable investment regulations in Europe

The regulatory landscape in Europe is changing. For investors, new and revised regulations are going to demand considerable changes to how they make and manage sustainable investments. Where are the opportunities and risks? What kinds of data will investors be expected to handle, and how can they remain compliant while continuing to grow returns? 

Business evolution: From doing sustainability to being sustainable

There has been a step change in attitudes towards sustainability as CEOs increasingly view it as a driver of value-creation rather than a reporting burden. John shares his top tips for Boards and CEOs to achieve Sustainability 2.0 and lead a truly sustainable and successful business