About Institute of Bankers

The world is facing an existential crisis with Climate Change.  The recent landmark reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) leave us in no doubt, that global warming is irrefutable, the impacts will be significant, and for us, as a species to lessen the impact, we need to act now.

Climate change is a systemic risk – it impacts all sectors of the global economy. It is increasingly being recognised by scientists and political leaders as a ‘threat multiplier’– it exacerbates the likelihood and impact of immigration, political conflict, famine, housing issues and, of course, extreme weather events.

While managing the risk and ensuring the sustainability of the sector is critical, we must also remember that the financial services sector holds a key in securing the planet’s future.

To enable a transition to a low-carbon economy, the sector needs to drive significant investment in green projects. The government alone cannot finance and achieve the targets for emissions reductions – the sector’s support is essential.

Our suite of micro learning content on IOB Learn, events, short courses and accredited programmes, will enable financial services professionals to play their part in securing the future of the planet.

For Sponsorship Opportunities Contact

Wayne Leitch
Lead Partnership Manager
Mob: +353 86 8575144
Email: [email protected]

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