About Now Group

JAM Card is part of the NOW Group, a multi award-winning social enterprise based in Belfast and Dublin. We support people with neurodiversity, autism, ADHD, learning disabilities and other non-visible disabilities into jobs with a future.  We deliver a range of innovative programmes and services for both participants and businesses .

One of these initiatives is the JAM Card www.jamcard.org . JAM Card, which stands for ‘Just a minute’, allows people with a hidden disability or communication barrier to tell others that they need extra time and understanding in a private and easy way.

The JAM Card movement began in the transport sector and since then we haveworked with hundreds of businesses across. Through a suite of support services and tools, JAM Card Friendly businesses learn how to engage in an effective and positive manner with both customers and their own colleagues who have nonvisible disabilities. We provide an eLearning module that hundreds of businesses have rolled out with their employees which includes:

  • What is a JAM Card? 
  • How to respond to a person using a JAM Card
  • Understanding barriers faced by JAM Card users and how remove them
  • Tackling attitudes, assumptions and misconceptions 

 As our workplaces evolve, embracing neurodiversity in your inclusion strategy is essential. It’s not just the right thing to do; it’s a powerful way to future-proof your business and empower a diverse and dynamic workforce for today and beyond. 

Come and see the JAM team at the ESG Summit 2024 to find out more about how we can help you incorporate neurodiversity and social inclusion into your DEI strategy.

For Sponsorship Opportunities Contact

Wayne Leitch
Lead Partnership Manager
Mob: +353 86 8575144
Email: [email protected]

Sponsorship Enquiry

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