ESG Autumn Summit (1) 1

About Susatin IQ

SustainIQ is the all-in-one ESG & sustainability reporting software that measures, monitors and reports on the social, economic, and environmental performance of businesses.
With SustainIQ, pull all the elements of ESG & sustainability together on one reporting dashboard. Eliminating spreadsheets and silos, SustainIQ allows for real-time analysis of sustainability performance across individual sites in your organisation, or on a company-wide level.
SustainIQ helps users ensure compliance with the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Waste Framework Directive, the Sustainability Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the EU Taxonomy. With compliance maintained and risks mitigated, leverage your new business intelligence to win more work, satisfying the requirements of Green Public Procurement (GPP), and build a trusted and sustainable brand.
We make sustainability work for your business, providing you with the data and insight to make better decisions and step ahead of the competition.

For Sponsorship Opportunities Contact

Wayne Leitch
Lead Partnership Manager
Mob: +353 86 8575144
Email: [email protected]

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