Mieke Siebers

Executive Director, Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD), the Netherlands

Mieke gained experience in ecosystem services and nature valuation through working with various nature conservation organisations on their business development and communication strategies. She has been leading FSD`s activities on ecosystem services valuation for sustainable (financial) decision making by gaining better understanding of what different (financial) stakeholders need and want. Over the past few years she has built a solid network of private and public partnerships, spearheading FSD’s work on the economic valuation of nature and more specifically the Ecosystem Services Valuation Database (ESVD).  Mieke is active in a number of international organisations and initiatives such as the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), developing domain- overarching partnerships on the topic of Ecosystem Services and Health. She is a sounding board member of the Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF) and a leading professional within the Dutch Natural Capital Community of Practice. She has organised many webinars on Ecosystem Services valuation and leads the newly established Ecosystem Services working group for financial institutions at PBAF. 

Mieke gave the closing address at the European Business and Nature summit (EBNS) in Brussels. And was the Master of Ceremony during last year’s EBNS in Milan.